Houdini's Picnic are back from the celestial void to see out 2010 with a glass of champagne and Transmission 9! This time the duo explore a sonisphere of rare early eighties disco, obscure 1930s opera and also take their scissors out to take wonderous snippets from films.
We have received word that we are to transmit LIVE at the Standon Calling Festival on Sunday 8th of August. The transmission will take place by the swimming pool at the festival and we are in the process of constructing a very special water themed set list. Punters can also expect an extra special visitation by our friends at French Kiss who will be providing a touch of glamour and mystery to the proceedings.
Our signal long disrupted by interplanetary space dust, Transmission 8 is finally live. Brace yourself for a blockbuster edition of our unique sonic delirium...
Warning. This broadcast may cause intense aural stimulation. Download our seventh snatch of nirvana here or here, or listen below. Email houdinis.picnic@hotmail.co.uk for the full track list.
Ruth Donegan and Ezra Elia are pan-dimensional beings who live alone for music.
From the depths of their vast archive in space, the duo beam messages and musical soundwaves - some not yet heard by modern human ears - back to Earth and beyond.
They are sometimes sighted in physical form, transmitting their sounds at 'club nights' and parties across London or elsewhere. Most of their time, however, is spent ghosting across the universe in search of new or long forgotten sonic delights.
Email houdinis.picnic@hotmail.co.uk for full track listings.
We're on Facebook here: http://www.facebook.com/home.php?#!/group.php?gid=98407613865&ref=ts